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Overcoming Your Fears


             Question: How many of you are fearful of something? Such as heights, flying in a plane, or swimming?.
             B. Purpose: My purpose today is to teach you how to overcome your fears.
             C. Overview Questions: .
             1. What types of fear are there?.
             2. How can you overcome your fear?.
             3. What are the benefits of overcoming your fear?.
             Sources: My sources came from the Internet site called Schoolforchampions.com.
             Personalize: Fear is a natural reaction to threat of injury or embarrassment. Everyone in this room is probably intimidated when they have to present something to a group of their peers.
             I. Body.
             A. What types of fears are there?.
             1. The first one is the fear of physical harm. .
             a. This is when a person feels that there is a situation when they may be harmed.
             b. Humans have the built in reflex to react to physical danger.
             c. Some examples are the fear of heights, flying, or even the fear of insects. .
             d. Our fears can be normal and rational. .
             e. But most of the time our fears are usually exaggerated beyond the actual threat or danger.
             2. The other type of fear is the fear of public embarrassment or being rejected.
             a. This is when people tend to feel they look foolish in the eyes of their peers.
             b. The fear of embarrassment can come from failing in front of other people; this comes the possibility of being ridiculed.
             c. Fear of embarrassment or ridicule is probably the biggest fear that we all have.
             d. When we experience these fears it causes us to lose confidence and self esteem as well as to be looked up on as not valuable or desirable, and even not important and certainly not powerful.
             e. There are many cases where people hesitate from doing something they want to because they fear the consequences of failure or some impending disaster.
             B. How can you overcome fear?.
             a. You can overcome your fears by gaining confidence in your ability to do an unwanted task.
             b. This is usually done by doing something difficult or dangerous and seeing that the consequences of failure are not so bad or that the chances of failure are not so great.

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