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            Rohypnol is not legally avaliable in the United States Even for medical purposes, but it is approved in most other parts of the world. It is mainly precribed for short-term insomnia. Rohypnol is a tranquilizer like Valium but it is 10 times stronger.
             The short term effects of Rohypnol are amneisa, muscle relaxation, impaired judgement, and impaired motor skills. It occurs 20 to 30 minutes after it is taken and it lasts for about 8 hours. High school students say they use Rohypnol as a cheap drunk and also as a cure for an alcohol hangover. It is typically used along with alcohol to enhance the drunkeness feeling by college students. It is also used along with marajunia, cocaine, and herion. During the last five years there has been reports of Rohypnol abuse among elementary children as young as 8-10 years old.
             Rohypnol is sold in it original bubble packing as to send a sense of legality and security in its use.

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