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Social Questions


            How can sociological imaginations help us to understand the issue of homelessness? Poverty? And Racism?.
             Sociological imagination helps us to look past the individual person in regards to the problem at hand. It brings our focus to the social aspects that may have caused the negative outcome or behavior (in the case of racism). Through looking at these problems in a different light we may discover that there are ways to curtail the events that lead to these outcomes.
             What is the difference between scientific explanation and other kinds of explanations?.
             A scientific explanation is put in to place through a logical problem solving steps. It eliminates bias by collecting all data and reporting it. Other explanations do not have to follow a set order of steps or controls, leading toward favoring of the original hypothesis.
             Can any research dealing with human behavior be value free? Why or Why not?.
             The research aspect can be value free, as long as guidelines are placed around the way the research will be conducted. It is very important that the research is collected in a very scientific manor as to eliminate any personal values of the sociologist. .
             Why has the feminist perspective had difficulty establishing itself as a contributing theory in regards to sociology?.
             The patriarchal male society in which we live has drawn these bounds. The difficulty is because these lines have been established and become the norm in society. Also, since no one way has been decided to bring about the end to this patriarchy advances become less.

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