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Archetype Essay


            Scaly green skin, a crooked wart-spotted nose and a slender black hat paired with that classic evil cackle conjures up an image. This recurring idea of an evil witch is extremely common and archetypal. An archetype is the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are copies or representations. Carl Jung's theory also explains that archetypes are inherited ideas or modes of thoughts, which are derived from the experience of the person's race and are present in the subconscious of the individual. Archetypes, like that of the "wicked witch", aren't only apparent in fairy tales and myths. One of the ways in which archetypes appear in our everyday lives is inside of people; in our personality types. I fit the molds of three archetypes which all define me as loving to be in control and succeed: the ruler, the creator, and most of all, the warrior.
             To begin, chaos and disarray are what the ruler dreads; order must be kept at all times. I like the road of my life to be well paved and smooth. When I encounter a bump I don't go ballistic, but it is my nature to take on the situation and gain back the control. For example: Let's say I didn't do well on my homework. I would feel completely responsible and I would know it was my duty to study and understand the material. But, in reacquiring control of the situation, I would make sure I prevailed and maintained my grade at test time. Being on top, succeeding, and having control over your fate through decisions are essentialities for the harmony a ruler thrives on.
             If I want to make something happen, I believe that I have the power vested in me to do so. As a creator, the corresponding attitude is that "the sky is the limit". Elizabeth Blackwell's story displays the archetypal creator perfectly. She was inspired to become a doctor when the cholera epidemic broke out in New York City. Being an exceptional student, she desperately wanted to go to medical school and earn her degree so she could help others.

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