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Social Stability


             The three main instruments of social stability in 1984 would be the Two Minutes Hate Program, doublethink and Newspeak. These three instruments ensure total control over the population of Oceania, allowing the Inner Party to maintain an iron grip over them. .
             The Two Minutes Hate Program that is "impossible to avoid joining in", arouses sentiments of hate for the enemy, Goldstein, and glorifies Big Brother, casting him as "an invincible, fearless protector" of the people. It induces waves of hatred for their common enemy, an output for the people to release their anger. In addition, it ensures that the population will be loyal to Big Brother as they seek solace and security, which only he can provide them with. .
             Doublethink is the manipulation of the mind to believe things that are said which might not be the truth. With the help of doublethink, it is possible for the party to control the thoughts and memories of the population, ensuring that the party can exercise total and complete control over them, preventing them from harboring any thoughts of rebellion or hatred and disbelief of Big Brother.
             Newspeak seeks to reduce the number of words in one's vocabulary, reducing language to the most basic forms. This prevents the people from expressing their feelings or discontent as their vocabulary is simply too limited to allow them to effectively express their thoughts. This inability helps ensure that no one is able to spread messages of dissent throughout the population and ensure that no ill will of the party or Big Brother is spread.
             However in Brave New World, the major instruments of social stability are Bokanovsky's Process, Soma, and subconscious persuasion.
             Bokanovsky's Process allows the principle of mass production to be applied to biology, where people are of the same standard, identical, a member of a collective. In doing this, people of the same caste (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon) have a feeling of equality and derides the need for competition, thus removing one of the primary causes of war and conflict.

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