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The Cuban Missile Crisis


             World War II produced two distinct idealogical blocs, the capitalist western bloc and a communist eastern bloc. Both blocs sought to further the interests of its' foreign policies which in turn created hostility and suspicion between the two. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was just one of the results of this hostility. The arms race was the major fuel that sparked the Cuban Missile Crisis as well as differing social systems and a background of increasing tension. The impact for the super powers and the resulting implications were amazingly positive when it came to the matter of international relations. A thaw in the cold war became apparent.
             There were many key factors contributing to the Cuban Missile Crisis including international tension. In particular the events that unfolded in Europe in the late 1950's and early 1960's and particular events that unfolded in Cuba. Even though the USA and the USSR were apparently in a period of relation this was seen as wishful thinking when it came to the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was obvious that the arms race was still at it's peak. Both sides were enthralled in the game of brinkmanship which could have ended in a nuclear Armageddon, a genocide for all mankind. Both sides use "eyeball to eyeball- until Krushchev finally blinked.
             Even though Cuba is such a small island it has been so significant to the USA since the revolution of 1959. Since 1959 Cuba had become the only Communist State in the Americas. The Soviet Union saw this Communisation as a vital part of it's defensive system. The Soviets decided that they would turn the tables and do to the USA with Cuba what the USA did to the Soviets in Turkey. This would strenghthen the Soviets position in the cold war. The Americas however saw Cuba as a dangerous situation and as a threat to National Security.
             Neither Krushchev or Kennedy wanted to go to a war as both men knew it would turn to a nuclear standoff.

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