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Dead Man Walking


             While viewing Dead Man Walking, I had very mixed feelings. I support the Death Penalty and can feel the pain of the families of the victims, but also found myself sympathizing with Matt. I do not believe, though, that the film changed my overall opinion on the Death Penalty.
             2. The film did not necessarily change my opinion on capital punishment. I did not learn anything new because I have done much research regarding the issue. It confirmed my belief that the Death Penalty should be intact, although I did somewhat fear Matt's innocence.
             3. I thought the film showed a strong bias against the death penalty. I do not believe it lacked point of view. I think it made Matt into less of a monster than he was and gave the viewer complete sympathy for a killer. It also made the parents of the murdered children look weak, dysfunctional, and irrational for their reaction to the way their children were murdered. I think that portrayal was wrong and I believe they have every right to grieve in any way they need to, without being belittled.
             4. Either way I was somewhat indifferent about Matt's execution. The loss of a life is a difficult thing. I do not believe myself to be an insensitive person, but I honestly did not care or know what to think. In most cases, I would support the execution. In the case, after watching the biased movie, I felt some sorrow at his death but minimal, knowing the film was swaying me, as opposed to the reality of the situation.
             5. I think it is a ridiculous alternative. Are you telling me that Matt would get away with murdering two innocent people and be fed, educated, entertained, and kept comfortable for the rest of his life? The financial well-being of Matt would be provided by taxes in part paid by the families of his murdered victims. I would rather see more money used to put him to death than to see tax dollars going to support his life.
             6. I believe Matt was a child of God that went astray.

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