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             Moliere's classic 15th century play, Tartuffe, is worthy of many acclamations for its honesty and outlooks on hypocrisy and piety. Although many critics of this time period found this farce offensive to pious people, they failed to see the main focus of this beautiful piece of literature. The play was written to warn the people of the dangers of a hypocritical society. And, to show people must watch out every now and then for those conniving charlatans that will use any means necessary to get what they want in life, even at the expense of others. From the words of the wise Cleante, "True piety isn't hard to recognize, And, happily these present times provide us with bright examples to instruct and guide us." He gives examples like Oronte and Alcidamas then states, "It's not heir way to criticize and chide: They think censoriousness as a mark of pride, And therefore, letting others preach and rave, they show by deeds how Christians should behave." Actions always speak louder than any words spoken. The character, Tartuffe, is displayed as the perfect example of a hypocrite. He speaks pious words but in his actions he often does the opposite of what he says. He tells Cleante that he forgives Damis for wanting to murder him, but will take his inheritance for the good of mankind. By this action, it does not seem that a truly pious person would be capable of such a cruel act. But, it looks as if the world was not ready at that time (15th century) for such a literal look upon life. Sadly, where there are good people, there will always be bad ones and vice versa. As in Tartuffe, the sneaky, old charlatan duped Orgon and his mother into thinking he was a very holy man-saintly even, but with the help of good people like Cleante; their eyes were opened to see Tartuffe as the low-life scumbag he really was. Even though this play received many negative comments, Tartuffe shall be remembered as one of the greatest farces ever written for its honesty and outlooks on piety and hypocrisy.

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