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Health Care


             The laser eye surgery depends, in large part, on the quality of the preoperative evaluation and refraction. Before scheduling a patient for surgery, the ophthalmologist must ensure that the patient understands the potential risks of the procedure and has realistic expectations for the postoperative level and quality of uncorrected visual acuity. Patients need to take side effects seriously and into account when you decide whether to have refractive surgery. Ongoing technological innovations to customize the surgical approach to an individual patient's eye continue to improve outcomes for these side effects. .
             Seeing well without contact lenses and glasses is the dream of millions of Americans and modern medical science has enabled that dream to come true. Laser surgery is the most exciting advancement in ophthalmology according to ophthalmologist. This is an outpatient procedure generally performed with local anesthetic eye drops. This type of surgery gently reshapes the cornea by removing microscopic amounts of tissue from the outer surface with a laser beam. The beam is so precise it can cut notches in a strand of human hair without breaking it, and each pulse can remove 39 millionths of an inch of tissue in 12 billionths of a second. The procedure itself takes only a few minutes, and patients are typically back to daily routines in one to three days. (Lewis, 1998).
             Changes in the eye or vision industry today have left many wondering who they can really trust with their eyesight and what their options truly are. However, these shakeouts are also benefiting consumers by eliminating many of the industry's undesirable providers and focusing attention on patient care and pre- and post-surgical screenings. Patients consider laser eye surgery now can choose from a smaller, but more financially stable pool of providers. (Crawford, 1999) Patient's should make sure they go to a LASIK provider staffed by experienced professionals who offer high levels of patient care and who have the financial resources to invest in the latest technologies.

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