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            Phonetics is the systematic study of human speech-sounds. It provides means of describing and classifying virtually all the sounds that can be produced by human vocal tracts. Our project is to consist investigate the sounds of speech but before we begin it may be useful to say something about why it is interesting and useful to do this: in other words, to review some of the uses of phonetics.
             The teacher of languages, for example, including the teacher of English as a second language, must be able to diagnose the pronunciation errors made by students, and to devise means of correcting them--this is impossible without both theoretical and practical knowledge of phonetics. Phonetics is also useful to those concerned with various aspects of the mother tongue: the phonetically trained teacher of reading will have a better understanding of orthographic problems and the relationship of spelling to the spoken language; in the teaching of speech-production phonetics is obviously essential--actors, particularly those, who wish to master numerous dialects and foreign accents, certainly ought to have a thorough knowledge of phonetics, which, alas, they usually lack. .
             This project s intended to analyze the speech patterns of the book Love You Forever. This book, although written and intended for young children (1-3 grades), is most appropriate for older children (4-6 grades). In fact it is even loved by most adults. As a teacher is it is imortant to be aware of what level a book is written for in order for it to be as effective as possible for the students who read it. Unfortunately not all students read at grade level, some read so far below that they require basic remedial intruction. As teachers it is essential that we posess the knowledg and understanding of phonetics as well as literary elements to choose "quality" literature to best help our students.

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