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             "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep. See me safely through the night and wake me with the morning light. Amen." That was the first prayer I ever learned to recite. I can remember as a child reciting it on my knees by my bed before I was allowed to go to sleep. As I grew older I began to question prayer as I still do. What is prayer? Does God really listen to my prayers? And what does prayer mean to me. I"m still not sure I know the answers to any these questions, but I think I have a better understanding of what prayer is for me and what it means to me. .
             To me prayer is talking to God one on one, about anything that should happen to be on my heart at the time. In my opinion prayer is a vital necessity in building a relationship with Christ. Okay so now that I've gotten the standard ideas of prayer out of the way, I think God does listen to our prayers, but I don't think he takes all of them seriously. Okay that's a bold statement to make but here is where I"m coming from. Sometimes at a worship service or at a table grace or even praying before bed, I"m not really into praying, but I do it anyway just because I think I should or it's expected. I was always taught that I need to say my prayers everyday no matter, but some days I just don't feel like it. In those prayers I"m not really praying with my heart. I"m just kind of going through the motions. Those prayers aren't sincere. So I don't think God really listens to prayers that aren't from the heart. I think those prayers are just words directed at heaven for looks. Think about it, when you do something totally for looks you are being vain or even false, and I really don't think God is down with that. So when I pray without my heart I"m taking something so pure and untainted and making it dirty and sinful. See this is how I think God judges what to listen to and what is just a bunch of smack being directed at him.

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