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            Everyone at some point and time in their life has been guilty of procrastination. You have two weeks until a deadline and you keep telling yourself that tomorrow you are going to get started, but then again, there's always tomorrow. Procrastination is a complex psychological disorder that affects everyone to some degree or another. It is only remotely related to time management, which is why constraints, such as detailed schedules rarely help.
             From a personal perspective, I agree that procrastination is rooted far beyond absent mindedness or irresponsibility because I know what I should be doing and when I should be doing it, yet I always justify my decision to prolong tasks. Responsibilities like school or personal commitments, such as returning phone calls, hang in the shadows of my conscience until guilt or pressure forces me to take action. At this point, I have created an atmosphere of pressure that surely has negative effects on the quality of my work. I then convince myself that I enjoy working under pressure and the quality actually benefits because of the intense focus that it invokes.
             Projects that are a result from procrastination may yield somewhat positive results therefore only reinforce the negative behavior so the cycle continues. Theories on procrastination vary from lack of confidence to the desire to manipulate others by forcing them to adhere to your schedule or willingness to complete a task. The more logical .
             reason seems to be a fear of success, whereas one will ensure mediocrity by resisting successful behavior. .
             I have thought to great lengths about my reasons for my procrastinating behavior and have come to understand a lot about myself. I have realized that I actually feel out of place when I get my responsibilities in order for any period of time. It feels a little like boredom. I slowly begin to ignore responsibilities until most of my affairs are back to "comfortable disarray.

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