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Sex In A Bar Setting


             My paper is analyzing the courtship rituals that take place in a bar setting in the college town of Athens, Georgia. My first task was finding a bar that I could sit in without being seen. I found only two bars that would accommodate this, Molly"O Shays and Barcode. These two bars have overall the same in the clientele; they are also similar in layout. I was able to be close enough to the action to see the interaction between the individuals in this scenario. My experiment took place on Oct.13th between 10:00pm and 1:30am. .
             Around 10:00pm I sat down at a table in the corner of the bar just to get a feel how this was going down. It wasn't long before a girl came over and asked me what I was doing. I guess she had never seen anyone in a bar taking notes. Because I was being seen I had to make my way over to the doghouse type table where less people could see me, this worked very well. This was my place to watch and take note. .
             By 10:30 pm I was ready, a few people were making there way into the bar and I was able to hear some of the conversations of the people. I noticed most of the people in the bar were friends with each other, I "m assuming that they came with each other. Mostly there is just casual talking mostly by friends at this point. As more and more people begin to come into the bar the more and more people I have to analyze. First I notice a girl approaching a guy, from the looks of it, it seem if he does not know her. But it seems as the conversation progresses he does seem to know who she is. The girl initiates the first touch. She softly brushes the backside of his for-arm. When she does this he seems to be let off of his chain. so to speak. He seems to calm down a little, I guess because he knows she is in to him a little bit. As they continue to talk over the next ten min, she begins to get closer and closer to him until she has her arm around him. Then for some reason he seems to be repulsed by her.

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