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Sumerian Culture


            While researching Sumerian culture I learned many interesting facts that I did not know before. If people knew little facts about Sumer it would change the way people looked at other ancient societies. Many advances that were not attributed to sumeria, were often pioneered by this advance culture. Most people don't even know much about the origin of the Sumerian culture.
             Sumer, like most early middle-eastern nations, was in the Fertile Crescent. These small waterways provided an excellent an irrigation and transportation system. Sumer was one of the first large civilizations that had a very developed textile industry.
             Wool sheared from goats and sheep was made into garments.
             The usage of linen was reserved only for the high priest and other dignitaries. Flax and wool was used for every one else. Farming was also a very predominant industry in summer. All of the mixed culture taught the Sumerians about many different farming methods. Sickles and other tools aided in the farming. The harvested grain was preserved in granaries and pots. This allowed grain to be shipped without spoiling or molding. All of the waterways in Sumer allowed products to be shipped up and down river destinations.
             Transportation methods increased in efficiency and new types of them arrived during the Sumerian rule, for instance, more types of boats were invented. They also introduced the sail to the world of travel. The wheel was also first implemented in the Sumerian nation. When these advanced forms of transportation were not available, people still used donkeys strapped to the sides. Iron working was used to create tools that aided the growth of their economy.
             Sumer did not have an official religion. They still worshiped many gods. There was a god for each aspect of life and for each city-state. Sumerians were pessimistic. They believed that when people died they went down to an eternally silent dark world. They built giant temples called ziggurats, to worship their gods.

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