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Cell Phone Behavior: Disruption, Arrogance, And Insecurity


            Cell Phone Behavior: Disruption, Arrogance, and Insecurity.
             On any given day, I can walk around and am guaranteed to see several people sitting, walking or driving, while holding a petite and often colorful device to their ear. Of course I am referring to the modern cellular phone. There are mixed feelings about the invention of this portable communication device. Some say cell phones are a hazard when motorists or pedestrians are busy talking and pay no attention to the road or other obstacles; and hearing the rings and musical tones go off all day is a nuisance that drive them crazy. Others say that cellular phones keep them in touch with everyone no matter where they go; they feel safe and connected. I say cellular phones improve the quality of life by allowing users to contact anyone, anytime, anywhere, especially in emergencies. I believe that it is the misuse and abuse of cellular phones that throws a shadow on their improvement of life.
             "It grows increasingly hard to find peace and quiet on a train or a street corner or even in a restaurant because of the number of indispensable people who must carry on loud conversations on cellular phones."" (Carter 158) You can always count on a cell phone ringing and being answered at any given place and time. Today, a lot of people feel it is their right to use their phone wherever and whenever they please "while driving, walking, operating equipment and even during class. It has already happened in several of my classes since the beginning of this semester. They don't seem to care that talking on the phone all but eliminates their ability to focus on the task at hand, whether it be steering a 2.5-ton chunk of steel or paying attention to their teacher. I admit I use my phone while I am driving, but only on open roads where awareness is not as important as a busy street with lots of traffic and pedestrians. I feel using cell phones during traffic should be illegal and wouldn't mind if they were simply made illegal while operating a car.

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