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The House On Mango Street


             Do you think it is hard being a teenager, growing up with everything that is going on today like; drugs, alcohol, sex, adolescence, maturity and all the peer pressure from older siblings, friends and even in some cases strangers? In this book House on Mango Street a girl deals with these issues in many different circumstances. Some of these issues this girl deals with are maturity, sexuality. These issues will come up during the next few paragraphs.
             One of the first issues Esperanza faces is in the vignette Hips. In this little section of the book Esperanza deals with the fact that she is maturing and getting bigger hips. "One day you wake up and they are there. Ready and waiting like a new Buick with the keys in the ignition. Ready to take you where?"(Cisneros 49.) Now she has to deal with a whole new load of things like interest in the opposite sex and wanting to look good by putting make-up on and having nice hair, clothes and shoes. " What I"m saying is who here is ready? You gotta be able to know what to do with hips when you get them. You gotta know how to walk with hips, practice you know-like if half of you wanted to go one way and the other half the other." (Cisneros 50.) Now she has to deal with what to do with the hips and learn how to dance and walk with the hips. .
             The very next issue Esperanza deals with in the book is The First Job. In this vignette she gets a job and this shows how she is growing-up or adolescence. This relates to what almost every American teenager goes through growing up, their first job. "I .
             Burnes 2.
             needed money. The Catholic high school cost a lot, and Papa said nobody went to public school unless you wanted to turn out bad." (Cisneros 53.) This quote shows the peer pressure that teens deal with, saying if you go to public school you will not go anywhere in life. So of course you are pressured and now Esperanza has to get a job to support herself.

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