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            There are many different religions in the world. They are all very different, but in some aspects they are very similar. Now, I will be reviewing six different religions with you. They are Hinduism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. I will be sharing with you the history of the religion and how they came about.
             Hinduism is a mysterious religious from India. If has over 750 million followers .
             worldwide an claims 1/6 of world's population. It is said to be new age thinking. There are over .
             200 Hindu temples in the world. It is very common. The Vedas describe a number of deities who .
             are personification of natural phenomena prayers and sacrifices were offered to these.
             gods. A system of priestly rituals and sacrifices obtained the blessing of these gods. The later .
             portions of Vedas called Upanishads, reflects an important development in Hinduism's concept .
             of the divine.
             These two major streams of Hindu though and practice grew and developed, the more .
             intellectual and philosophical stream that emphasized the oneness. The stream the emphasized .
             personal devotion to a good. The latter stream has predominated among the common people even .
             to this present day. There are two beliefs of Hindus: What they believe about the source of evil .
             and suffering and what they believe about life after death. The first of these beliefs is Karma, .
             which means action. The doctrine of Karma says that every thought and action results in certain .
             consequence burn by the thinker Hindus believe that all suffering results in past actions or the .
             previous life. Some believe it implies fatalism or determinism. The second is reincarnation called .
             samsar. The Hindu scriptures state that after death individual souls are reborn in another body. .
             The nature of one's rebirth is determined by the Karma resulting from past actions. Also .
             associated with reincarnation is ahimsa, non-injury to living things. Thesis the core moral value .

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