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Cellphones In Third World Nations


            We will now talk about the marketing techniques of Cable & Wireless, Digicel, and AT&T, but before we do that we will give you a brief overview of the interconnect war.
             In modern telecommunication AT&T and Digicel are considered "cherry pickers". They are after a very attractive segment of the business, in short the cellular phone market. This is a market, which Cable & Wireless have created locally setting up an expensive network of required technical infrastructure. Therefore, it is understandable that Cable & Wireless would not want to enter into an interconnection agreement that may work to its disadvantage.
             Digicel, the Irish-based Company, appears to be ready to assert its position as the new kid on the block, eager to compete in the new business environment. The other newcomer, AT&T, is actually already a household name around the world, thanks to cultural penetration from American satellite TV. While AT&T packs the clout to pursue a more vigorous, if not forceful public campaign for the interconnection with Cable & Wireless, it is instead "entering our domain with the kind of care and caution that bespeaks respect for our cultural sensibilities ," according to an article in The Weekend Voice featuring AT&T Wireless Roving General Manager for the Caribbean, Nichole Bereaux. But Bereaux to feels that an interconnection agreement is long overdue. She told RSL's Dave Samuels two weeks ago that AT&T would have liked to get an interconnection agreement.
             AT&T appears to be as disappointed as Digicel; only Digicel has a much different approach to this issue.
             Digicel seems to be determined to make Cable & Wireless answer to its commitment to competition in the court of public opinion. As Digicel sees it, the ultimate test of Cable &Wireless" commitment is the ability of a Digicel customer to call a Cable & Wireless customer. And the sooner that happens, the better. CEO of Digicel, Donal O"Shaughnessy, said at a TV interview that his company had invited the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (NTRC) to intervene in what he claims is stalling tactics by Cable &Wireless on an interconnection agreement.

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