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Binge Drinking

            Most young adults enter college seeking a higher education in preparation for a career and vocation yet to be determined. This is a time when students go through cognitive, psychosocial, and biosocial development, as they become more mature adults. This is also a .
             time when young people begin to form more intimate relationships with members of the opposite sex. Generally, college students are looking to replace the social network of friends that were established during high school and adolescence. Mostly, students are seeking companionship and support in new relationships. It is often the case that within these new relationships, coupled with a new and foreign college environment, students are confronted with challenges and .
             anxiety the likes of which they have never before experienced. .
             As we have studied in self-awareness theory, people cope with a negative outlook, which affects their self-perception utilizing two methods. Either they create behavior in order to reduce negative self-perception or they will try to escape self-awareness. Alcohol abuse serves as one of the many common methods employed by students to escape reality, negative feelings and perception of self.
             Why are young adults more vulnerable to this type of escape mechanism than older candidates? Perhaps the reason lies within the complex social structure of young adulthood. Many young people do not have a strong understanding of their social selves, and, therefore are more likely to become frustrated and resort to the socially acceptable ritual of drinking.
             Alcohol can play a significant role in helping to break down initial .
             social barriers. It can also assist in the escape procedure by reducing anxiety and lowering self-inhibition. Additionally, alcohol can serve as a method of bringing people together and initiating social contact and.
             interaction. The end result is that young people would appear to be able to build easier social contacts with a wider range of numbers.

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