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Wendy's Ad

             I chose the Wendy's ad for there "Late Night Pick-up Window." The ad has a picture of a cheeseburger in the sky and the caption reads, "Warm milk has met its match." This ad is supposed to be geared more towards adults or teens that stay out late. .
             The caption is used as a way to connect burgers to warm milk. People use warm milk to make them go to sleep. Eating late has been proven to make gain weight, because the food they eat jus sits in their stomachs and doesn't digest as fast. And Wendy's has some of the greasiest burgers on the market. There is no way that eating this grease burger will help you go to sleep. It might help you get a heart attack or gas but you won't be sleep anytime soon after eating a burger like this. .
             They even put the burger in the air, like it is the moon or something. The only things in the picture that are lit up are the burger and the Wendy's sign. Wendy's needs to put a lot more thought into their ads. They obviously are targeting this one to people who like to eat late and have no problem gaining more pounds. With advertisements like this they won't be in the health and science magazine anytime soon. Every intelligent person in the world knows that burgers and warm milk are no where near equivalent to each other. The only thing that they have on common is the fact that cheese is made from milk and cheese is on the burger. They should jus put a picture of a slice of cheese in the sky. Instead they choose to put the lit up heart-attack burger. And tell people that they should eat it late especially when they can't get any sleep. This is crazy, and it is not right the way that they are misleading people.

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