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The Meaning of Life

             It is when the bad days outnumber the good that there is a problem. One must live life to the fullest, never holding back. People should live everyday like it was the last for the future is scarce. Life should not be wasted; it should be embraced.
             Accepting life is like a card game everyone must deal with the cards they are dealt. There is only one reasonable option though, working with fate. The other option is denying it and quitting. Quitting however, should not be an option because when someone quits they are only looking for the easy escape. Challenging oneself to live on and fight the good fight has a sweeter reward. Tomorrow's possibility of greatness is worth the fight.
             Life is what one makes of it. If no one attempts to improve the state of living, one can't complain about the situation that they are in. Automatically, when someone in this society does not get what one desires, one starts to gripe and moan. It probably was not mean to be anyway. Life is not easy, but complaining and distressing does nothing. Challenges can be conquered, if one truly try's there hardest.
             Everyone should life everyday like it was there last, because one day it will be. One should have no qualms about how they lived their life because you need to live life to the fullest; every person only has one life to live. No one gets a second chance at life. Even if life does not go the way it is suppose to all the time, it is not the end of the world. Just don't make the same mistakes more then once.
             In three words I can sum up everything I ever have learned about life, it goes on. If one is smart they won't let their life go on with out them, but there will always be though few that get left behind. Someone just needs to let them know that, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and that today is a gift, that is why it is called the present. We should always be living in the present.

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