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Julice Caeser

             Julius Caesar is mainly a study of the nature of politics and the motives of those who participate in them. Moreover, Shakespeare endeavors to embody his notion of other significant subject matters in the play in association to politics. For instance, one may suggest that the political division is the prominent theme in the play through which other divisions, such as the division of the self, are presented. Moreover, the division of the response of the audience toward key characters in the play is indicated: does the play represent Caesar as a demigod or a braggart, and is Brutus represented as a noble or a foolish man? Such divisions are conveyed successfully by means of dreams and ghosts which have several functions in the structure of the playas well as in its central action, i.e., the assassination of Julius Caesar.
             Sometimes the individual is obliged to recognize and admit the intervention of divinity in human life through dreams, and the dream of Caesar's wife is a striking example of such an intervention. By the second scene of Act Two, plans, omens and warnings of Caesar's approaching death have already built up to a high pitch, but so far his household has not been touched by them. As the scene opens, Caesar reports:.
             Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace to-night.
             Thrice hath Calphurnia in her sleep cried out.
             'Help, ho! They murdered Caesar'. .(II. ii. 1- 3).
             Then, Calphurnia enters and in pleading for him to stay home, she speaks of signs that should discourage him:.
             Calphurnia. Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies,.
             Yet now they fright me. There is one within,.
             Besides the things we have heard and seen,.
             Recounts most horrid sights seen by the watch.
             A lioness hath whelped in the streets,.
             And graves have yawn'd and yielded up their dead;.
             Fierce fiery warriors fight upon the clouds,.
             In ranks and squadrons and right form of war,.
             Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol;.
             The noise of battle hurtled in the air;.

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