A number of these possessions are gifts , some are awards and certain ones are not material belongings. Some people are selfish with their possessions, some people give them away. In the poems "AH, Are You Digging On My Grave?" by Thomas Harding, and "When I Was One and Twenty" by A.E. Housman, , the authors use items to symbolize assets given to or taken away from the narrator or character of the poem.
Through out the poem Ah, are you digging on my grave a deceased woman asks who is digging on her grave site. She guesses many people but it is not anyone she gueses. She finds that the people she thought it would have been do not even care anymore. The digging is done by her dog who visits everyday. The bone which is the dogs possession symbolizes the love the dog has for the young lady. In line 29 she says" to equal among human kind a dogs fidelity" this is saying she is grateful of the dog to remember her an her dogs love for her helps her cope with the fact no one else loves her.
Some say you do not need possessions for love but in the poem "when I was one and twenty" the wise man said in line 3 "give crowns and pounds and guineas but not your heart away" he is saying that to get love with out hurt connected you should give possessions to make the other person happy. By what he is saying he suggests that love can only be bought with material possesion. In this poemm the crowns and pounds symbolize a possession to be given away in exchange for something better which is love.
Symbols in these poems all are possessions or assests to a person. In the poems "AH, Are You Digging On My Grave?" by Thomas Harding, and "When I Was One and Twenty" by A.E. Housman, , the authors use items to symbolize assets given to or taken away from the narrator or character of the poem.
May they be natural or not all thse poems have possessions either to give or to receive.