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Socialism and the United States

             This study researches the negative effect that socialism would have on the United States. The constitutional and moral values of the United States would be destroyed if socialism was incorporated in the American government. The socialistic movement goes against the aspirations of the American citizens. Also the few successes and many failures of socialistic governments, prove an omen to why socialism would fail in the United States. According to many researchers and men that have held prominent positions in the United States government, if the United States was to implement socialism into the economy, it would have a disastrous effect and could put the nation into a state of turmoil.
             Socialism and the United States.
             During the past century, the United States government has seen a significant shift in the structure and role play of the government. This shift has consisted of the government switching from a capitalistic structure to more of a socialistic structured government, this started right after the civil war, when the United States started to strengthen and expand the government (Bradley & Donway, 2010, p.75). Socialism can be defined as a planned political or economic structured system in which the government controls the means of production, distribution, and exchange (Bradley & Donway, 2010, p.74). Although socialism may seem as new political and economic system for American citizens; it should not be considered as the new kid on the block. Socialism has had its many rounds throughout world history, but most of those rounds came to a tragic end (Kornai, 2000). Such as the infamous enemy of the United States throughout much of the 20th century, the Soviet Union, who was one of the first countries to implement socialism in this century (Verdery, 1996). If the United States desires to continue as a dominant factor in the world, they cannot follow in the footsteps of these other countries that keep switching to socialism, because changing the government status of the United States from capitalism to socialism would be catastrophic towards the U.

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