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America - The Free and the Educated

            The United States of America is a country that prides itself on the countless opportunities available for any person who has a dream and the ambition to achieve it. But when it comes to education, American school systems do not rank in the top five nations in categories such as: college enrollment, test scores, and percentage of adults with a degree higher than a high school diploma. This happens because at a very young age students are led to believe that only "straight A students" who want to become businessmen or surgeons should attend college. Although higher education is typically seen as a path meant only for doctors and lawyers, American test scores and college enrollment will increase, regardless of career path, with proper motivation at a young age. .
             U.S. college enrollment is at an all-time low. Truthfulpolitics.com shows that Americans are ranked 7th in students, age 18-24, that are enrolled in college (34%). We are also ranked 10th with adults, age 25-34, with an Associate's degree or higher (39%). However, we are ranked 2nd with adults, age 35-64, that have an Associate's degree or higher (39%). American test scores are just as low. The United States ranks 17th in Math, 21st in science, and 17th in reading out of the 34 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. China, Singapore, Japan, Korea, and Liechtenstein are the top 5 ranks respectively (Ryan). .
             In Jean Twenge's novel Generation Me she states that in today's education system, "There has also been a movement against 'criticizing' children too much. Some schools and teachers don't correct children's mistakes, afraid that this damage children's self-esteem." She later explains "Grade inflation has reached record highs. In 2004, 48% of American college freshman reported earning an A average in high school, compared to 18% in 1968" (Twenge 61-63). The problem here is that instead of teachers being upfront and honest with their students, they choose to hand out good grades so that children have a boosted self-esteem.

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