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History of the Trojan War

            The Trojan War started at the wedding of King Peleus, king of Myrmidons and the sea nymph named Thetis. When Eris, the daughter of Zeus wasn't invited to the wedding, she was angered and discord the banquet hall in the form of a golden apple, inscribed with the words "for the fairest," then throw it among the guests. The goddesses argue over who deserves the apple. Goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite each thought that she was the fairest out of all. They asked Zeus to decide who is the fairest. Zeus didn't want to get involved, so he sent a prince named Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy in Anatolia to be the judge because he was the most honest person on earth (or he was too stupid to know the dispute between the goddess). The goddesses bribed and offered Paris deals in order to win the contest. Athena promised him to become successful in the battle against the Greeks. Hera offered power to make him the King of Europe and Asia. And Aphrodite promised to give him the world's most beautiful women, Helen. .
             Helen was married to Menelaus, the brother of Agamemnon because her stepfather, King Tyndareus of Sparta want someone to protect Helen. Unfortunately, Paris didn't know that Helen was married to Menelaus and so he accepted Aphrodite's deal. After Tyndareus' death, Menelaus eventually became the King of Sparta. When Paris arrived, Helen and Menelaus welcome him. But as soon as Menelaus leaves Sparta, Helen and Paris eloped. Menelaus enraged and summoned the princes that promised to protect Helen and his brother, Agamemnon (the leader of the expedition) to attack Troy. .
             A hero in Agamemnon's expedition called Achilles was the son of Peleus and Thetis. When he was a baby, Thetis dipped him in the River Styx which made him invulnerable. Which can't happen in our modern world. Nothing can pass through his skin except for his heel (his weakest spot). During the attack, Greek army could not sail because there was no wind.

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