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The Threat of Technological Growth

            The use of technology to control society is an issue that citizens face in their daily lives. Technology is a controversial topic that is always argued upon mainly because of the disruptive and unethical use that comes with it. In World State, the abuse of technology has got to the point, "Where babies are predestined and conditioned as socialized human beings such as Alphas, or Epsilons, as future sewage workers" (Huxley 13). The citizens are separated into different classes from birth because the mentality of the government is to progress technologically. Also, the citizens are forced to live their lives a certain way and conform to the consumer- oriented mentality of the culture. According to Derek Miller's essay, "Brave New World and the Threat of Technological Growth." Miller suggests that, "The morals and aspirations from society are not of those of our society today- such as family, love, and success- but instead are focused around industry, economy, and technological growth and improvement." Miller's theory allows one to understand the way the system works in a dystopian society like the World State.
             A society where the citizens lives are controlled because their rights are limited. For instance, the lack of having a family, love, and companionship. In addition, with the use of genetic engineering the government controls the behaviours and actions of its citizens in order to preserve stability and power for themselves. Looking at the World State motto which is Community, Identity, and Stability. The audience could tell that the dehumanization of man is achieved through, "No civilization without social stabbing, and no social stability without individual stability" (28). The citizens of World State are kept in the dark because of the mischievous intentions of the government. For stability to take shape individuality must be lost. This implies that every citizen must think, act, and look the same way which defeats the purpose of uniqueness in the society.

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