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Short Story - Roxi and the Wave

            It was a dark and stormy night in April of 2054. Things were going fine in the little town of Chataqua until I woke up in the middle of my slumber to see a dark blue mass coming toward my home. I jumped out of bed to war the others, but they had already spotted it. After about ten grew long minutes of mysteriously waiting to discover what this "thing" was, we came to the conclusion it was a wave. Something that would wipe out the entire platform. We though it was the end. We were very wrong. 'Twas only the beginning. I am James, and I'm here to tell you about my experiences. .
             The night of April 14, 2054 was devastating and something I would never forget. Along with the rest of us. I lived with 12 other people on a platform like structure. It had a singular building that would hold us all. It was created by the government to protect us from the dangers of the streets. A mass amount of water took over the streets and towered over the tallest skyscrapers and rushed at us like a boulder rolling down a hill, slow and scary. We didn't know what to expect. So we prepared for the worst. We said out goodbyes, hugged and reminisced before our final few minutes. When the wave finally hit us, it didn't hit us once, but three times. It wasn't enough the first and second to knock us off the foundation but the third was surly enough to tip us and have in pieces. The building was tipped and rafting down the river at rapid speeds. It was like river rafting down the Colorado river; fast and furious. We though it was over until something uprose from the sea. .
             It was a beautiful women with long blond hair, robed in cloths that looked like they had been worn under the sea. She said to us all, I am Roxi. She spoke with compassion and good intentions. Roxi told us to take a lock of her hair. She said that it would grant us life and help us in our troubles. And that it did. She left in all of a split second. It's like she was never there.

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