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Leadership Style at the Virgin Group

             This coursework has been divided into three parts. The first part entails a discussion on the transformational leadership style of leadership as practiced by Sir Richard Branson founder of the Virgin Group with particular focus on virgin train.
             (Avolio & Bass, 1995),describes transformational leadership as a leadership style in which leaders articulate a shared vision of the future, stimulate followers intellectually and show individual consideration to followers, this style of leadership best describes the characteristic and the leadership attributes of Richard Branson. The second part involves a discussion on how transformational leadership style can influences collaboration or team work within department. Consistent with the TFL theory, recent meta-analysis have documented that TFL is positively associated with team performance outcomes (Burke et al. 2006; G.Wang et al., 2011), however sparse research exists that examines inside the leadership and team performance relationship. The final part of this coursework shall comprise of a brief summary on how the element of structure which comprises of the organization and cultural structure of an organization can effectively facilitate or inhibit knowledge sharing and critique of the findings.
             LEADERSHIP STYLE .
             Transformational leadership is regarded one of the most influential contemporary leadership theories (Bono et al 2005). According to (Bass and Avolio 1994), the foundation of transformational leadership comprises: Idealized influence/inspirational motivation is related to the formulation and articulation of vision and/or challenging goals. Intellectual stimulation promotes intelligence, rationality and careful problem-solving, Individualized consideration is directed at treating the followers as individuals and not just members of a group. Branson can therefore be regarded a transformational leader as he inspires followers to go beyond their own self-interests, he has a deep and extra ordinary effect on followers (Grant, 2005) he is very motivational, influential, intellectually stimulating, considerate (Robbins and Judge 2009).

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