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Euthanasia: Mercy Not Murder

            Imagine that you are in the hospital suffering from a terminal illness, and only have a few weeks to live. There is no medicine or painkiller than can bring your pain down to a bearable level. Instead of spending those last few weeks you have left suffering, you would rather go ahead and die. However, if you done this you would be "committing" euthanasia. .
             Euthanasia is a term meaning "good" "death." Although some people would argue this saying it is suicide. Euthanasia and suicide are two different things, Euthansia is the desire for a person suffering through an illness (or that is in a coma), to end their life because of the pain and suffering from that illness. Whereas suicide is the decision a person makes to end their life when they cannot handle things. Suicide has to do with psychological difficulties arising from problems due to personal circumstances where euthanasia has to do with the pshycial well being of a person due to an illness. .
             A argument most often made is that in some countries there is shortage of health resources. A result of this is that some people that are ill and can be cured are not getting soon enough access to the health care they need. At the same time health care is being used on people who can never be cured and for their own resons would prefer not to continue living, if these people "committed euthanasia" it would not only let them have what they want, but would "free" access to health care to treat people that can and want to be cured.
             Many people that are against euthanasia say that any pain can be subsided with medicine, but this is not always the case. In some cases medicine cannot reduce suffering and pain to a bearable level, when people are at this point they would much rather choose to die than suffer this intolerable pain, but cannot, which is cruel and inhumane to force them to remain alive in order to suffer. .

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