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Narrative Essay - Iraq, 2005

            The days seemed to be the longest days of my life. We were doing the same thing day in and day out, so it got very monotonous. Waking up and providing security for different units to go different places in the country got very old until the one day that changed my life completely. We started the morning with our normal safety briefing before we left the camp for the day. Everything was going well on the route that we had been on a dozen times before. Everything was going so well that maybe we did get a little lazy watching what was going on around us.
             When we went around the corner the u half of the convoy made it by the trash can without a problem; it was the second half of the convoy that went bad. It seemed to me that everything sort of started to go in slow motion, just like in a movie. Just then there was a massive explosion, forcing the truck ahead to a complete stop. The smell of burning oil, rubber and flesh could have made anyone sick. The blast made such a concussion that it was almost like I was deaf; there was just complete silence. I could have sworn my ears were bleeding. When the smoke had cleared, there was just the trucks frame and parts everywhere. We had to wait a couple of minutes to make sure there wasn't a second blast. It seemed like hours instead of minutes. As we approached the blasted out truck, it hit me like a ton of bricks. We had lost Sgt. John Miller to one of these cowards that have to hide and fight. .
             When you serve time with people in the military, you create a different time of bond that you would with someone you just meet every day. Any of these guys would die for you, take a bullet for you. Anything we could do to help one another we would do. When something like this happens you say to yourself man I wish there was something I could have done. Why did this have to happen? Couldn't this have happened 5 seconds sooner when there was a break in the convoy? All of these questions play in my head like a broken record.

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