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Coming to Terms with Depression

Because the questions I want to be answered were not that broad, going through the Journals, Articles, Wayne.edu Search, and Books and media sections was a lengthy process of clicking and scrolling through pages and pages of finding the sources I had planned for. The original resources I wanted to use consisted of a documentary, two articles in a scholarly journal, and an article, however, things did not go that way. My research process consisted of the ongoing process of clicking, skimming, and closing potential articles and documentaries. Under the "Journals" section from my search of depression, I came up empty, every journal I clicked on made no attempt at answering any of my questions. It was not until I used the "Articles" section that I found an article from the Open Journal of Depression: "Depression-Factors, Symptoms, Prevention and the Role of Open Journal of Depression." Under the "Wayne.edu Search" section, I found the Literature of Prescription: Mental Health and Depression on the WSU Libraries website which leads me to an article from the Harvard Mental Health Letter, "The Many Faces of Depression." Under the "Books and Media" section I went through a total of 4 potential books, all of which answered at least one of the questions I wanted answered. However, Understanding Depression by Rudy Nydegger was the book that I gained the most knowledge about depression. After going through all the sections of my search of depression, I went to google to search "Is depression a disease journal" which gave me the interesting article "Major Depressive Disorder: What are the Facts?" .
             A question I expected to be answered in a clinical way, just as doctors define bipolar disorder as "a mental illness that brings severe high and low moods and changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior" (WebMD 2) or "experience excessive anxiety and worry, often expecting the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern.

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