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The Shawnee Indians

             "Do not kill or injure your neighbor, for it is not him you injure but yourself. But love him, for Moneto loves him as he loves you.".
             - Golden Rule of the Shawnee Indians.
             The Shawnee Indians are among one of the many Native American tribes that were exiled in the New World. They endured many tortuous things in their lifetime. However, they never left their true roots though out it all. .
             The Shawnee Indians originally inhabited what is now known as Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They were however driven from their homeland by another tribe. Once moved and settled the white man invaded upon the Shawnee finally forcing them into Oklahoma where they still remain today. Most Shawnee Indians today, however are found in Missouri. Their total population has increased by forty percent since the first census was taken in 1825 estimating about ten thousand Shawnee Indians. .
             In the earliest times of the Shawnee Indians they were very religious, this being based around the god of Moneto. Moneto is believed to be a supreme deity who bestowed blessings upon all who merited his favor. However, the Supreme God is seen, as a grandmotherly type who knitted a net that would one day be cast upon the world. If you were saved the net would capture you and bring you into the heavens. Those not worthy of being caught were known to suffer horrible fates of being consumed by fire. .
             The Shawnee Indians lived in houses covered in bark in large villages that contained a large council house for religious and council meetings. In there large villages everyone had a task to occupy the time. Men were responsible for shooting small game for the tribe as the women tended the fields and grew crops. The elders held the power of teaching youngsters in history, culture and traditional tribal history. This information was passed along from generation to generation.

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