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            Although this is my introduction to Greek history and mythology, with the exception of a few television shows, the goddess Athena has probably made the biggest impression on me. .
             She is all the things any woman would want to be, intelligent, resourceful, compassionate and caring for her people but above all, fearless. She struck me as being a woman who didn't "know" her place. Gifted with a range of talents from warrior to weaver she appeared to be proficient in all of them. I get the impression from the readings in the Odyssey and the articles I read that she was a very passionate individual, not in an intimate sense but passionate about her beliefs. .
             I like the picture that is painted of her in the first chapter of the Odyssey; she seems so caring and concerned when she talks to Telemachus. She speaks of his father with the utmost respect and has a positive attitude about his eminent return. .
             I don't really understand why she never had a mate. Was the daughter of Zeus unable to find someone good enough for her? There had to have been other gods that were as gifted and talented as she was. I would think that simply because of who she was she would have been in high demand and obviously, from the reading, she was wanted and attempts were made to "take" her. Maybe she didn't think anyone was good enough for her. .
             I appreciate the qualities portrayed in her character. .
             Mythography, Exploring Greek, Roman, and Celtic Myth and Art, .

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