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The Ju

            Complaining among the Ju society serves again as a leveling mechanism. It also is a means to express a variety of other feelings. It is called "horehore" or "obaoba" which translated mean "yakity-yak." This is performed by all young and old. Many times people will use this mechanism to let off steam, so a larger problem doesn't mount. Often, it is interrupted by a joke or something to alleviate the tension. .
             Elders in the Ju society are honored. Anyone that is in the mid to late forties or later, are honored with the term "n!a." This is a way to mark the onset of old age. While growing old is a source of conversation; joking and humor as well, they are linked to many life giving activities. They are also thought to have special powers that permit them to eat certain foods such as Oesterreich eggs. No matter what their ailments may be, they are still regarded with respect and may take some very influential positions among the Ju. Among the American culture however, the elderly while being respected, are looked at as being weak individuals. Once you are unable to work in our culture, you are don't have as much worth. It is also not believed that they have any other supernatural powers that would permit them to eat certain foods, or perform and kind of healing. Aging is not frowned upon among the Ju like it is in the American culture. In America, people try to hide their age with different lotions, make-ups, and surgeries. .
             The Ju told Lee of their hardships, being old and having no one to care for them. However, this is the complete opposite of what is going on. There are many people that are there taking care of their elders. These stories and complaining however are what keep the caring coming. The discourse of neglect can be used as a social regulatory mechanism to reinforce sharing and caregiving. It reinforces the idea of mutual responsibility among everyone.
             Herding and farming, is a difficult thing for the Ju, because their mobility is very limited.

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