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Its Harder than it Looks

             For all the people who do not know and say it is too easy. You are walking out of your classroom at the end of the night trying to figure out what you are going to do. You know that you have to follow instructions completely or points will be taken off. You have to figure out what you are going to write about. You have looked at the sample topics in you book and do not think that you can write about anything there because you do not have the experience on any of that. Writing essays is much harder than it looks.
             You have been told that is makes it easier if you sit down at a computer and just start typing. That is not as easy as it sounds either because you still type and delete on a computer as much as you write and erase on paper. You have to pick a topic that you can write about. Once you have that, it should be easy, right? You have to capture the readers attention without sounding outrageous and out of context. Sometimes it is just best to take your time and try to follow the guidelines. Sometimes that is harder than it sounds. One thing is for sure; if you are having a lot of problems, get in touch with your teacher and ask questions. The only stupid question is an unasked question. Whatever you do, do not e-mail your essay to your teacher without checking to see if he/she has the same program that you are using. If you do not you will have many problems.
             Though it may seem easy. Essays are harder to write than they look. Always follow directions. For people who do not know and still say it is easy maybe now you understand. Do not stress and do your best. Remember this as you are walking out of that class tonight. .

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