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Cell phone trends

             The race for increasing consumer numbers within the wireless telecommunication industry is on the rise. Competition between wireless providers has grown immensely over the past couple of years. Cellular phones have become the most dominant form of communication among consumers and businesses. Other forms of communication have declined in usage. For example, consumers prefer to have cellular phones over landline telephones. As technology advances, the cellular markets have helped to expand businesses and increase communications between people around the world. There have been an increasing number of trends growing in the wireless telecommunication industry. .
             Obvious trends include increasing options within rate plans. Cellular companies are slouching towards 3G (Third Generation), which will lead to the attainment of higher wireless data speeds. The improvisation of cellular coverage allows an increase of service areas and the enhancement of reception. Cellular companies are increasing the amount of minutes within their rate plans, most featuring free nights and weekends. Other options include, cellular phone insurance, roadside assistance, free long distance outside of the US, mobile-to-mobile plans, text messaging and accessible Internet access.
             Another ever-growing wireless trend is the popularity and advancement of wireless equipment. Personalizing one's cellular phone allows consumers to display their own characteristics by choosing different faceplates, and downloadable ring tones and games. Wireless companies increase revenue by adding advanced features, such as camera phones and keyboard accessories, permitting improved communication among consumers and businesses. .
             With the launch of Nextel Communications" Nationwide Direct Connect, it increases the speed of connection time between two phones. Direct Connect allows users to have instant communication with others throughout the world.

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