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Hawaiian islands

             Imagine looking outward to the horizon and seeing a rainbow of colors streaming across the sky, a ball of fire surrounded by different shade of pinks blues and purples, along with shadows being cast by the tall palm trees swaying in the ocean breeze. Envisage standing on the beach and not knowing where the sky ends and the ocean begins and then realizing that everything comes together in perfect harmony. The exquisiteness of all the colors are so breath taking that it impels me to stay and watch for hours on end. .
             Picture looking out into the water and seeing the different shades of greens and blues, looking through the water as if it were glass and seeing all the ocean has to offer in the depths below. The darker shades of water hold wondrous things that amaze an individual. The water is so clear that I can see sand, coral and small fish and other aquatic animals beneath the surface.
             I can visualize walking in the white sandy beaches and having the grains of sand sift through my toes. I walk down towards the water; and walk through the soggy sand and foam that the ocean has left behind I view the sand crabs crawling out from the sand as if they were running away from the ocean. The sand is so clean and so pure that shoes are not a necessity. The beach is so immaculate almost anyone would be fearless for no impurities such as glass and .
             waste are present. The beaches are so harmonious and intriguing that one may sit in the sand and take in the suns rays all day long.
             I look on the shore and see all the green plants and trees swaying breeze along with the tropical flowers that glow in the daytime, and the fruit hanging from up above. I stand in one spot and take in all the colors streaming on the backdrop blending together as if they were one, and yet they still provide the individual beauty each one has to offer. The surroundings are such and invigorating sight. .
             Carefully I listen to what sounds are present; the waves are crashing on the beaches and the tropical birds call out to one another.

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