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The Hypocrisy of Freire's "The "Banking" Concept of Educatio

             Whenever anyone is passionate about something, they tend to be persuasive, trying to make others feel the way they do. Freire is very passionate about his beliefs on education, and it is apparent in his writing. His entire writing was about how one person (a teacher) should not have more power or authority over others who are supposed to be learning from them (students). However, Freire is doing just that through his writing; he is our teacher and we are his students, trying to gain knowledge through his writing and from his experience with teaching, yet he is persuading and enforcing us to believe what he believes. He does that by proving how every other method of teaching (banking concept) is better than the one that he believes is best (problem solving approach). .
             Freire provides many reasons why the Banking Concept of teaching is a horrible method of teaching. He believes that this is the most common method of teaching, and therefore replies that, "Education is suffering from narration sickness" (Freire, 348). By that he means that this form of teaching is more about recording, memorizing, and repeating, turning the students into "containers" or "receptacles" to be "filled" (349) by the teacher. Education is more than just learning, it should also be about the gaining of knowledge. Freire claims that no knowledge will be gained through the banking concept of teaching because, "Knowledge emerges only through invention, and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings .
             pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other." These are just a few examples in the text that explains why Freire believes that the banking concept of teaching is a "misguided system.".
             Freire feels very strongly about his method of teaching, the problem solving method. "Those truly committed to liberation must reject the banking concept in its entirety, adopting instead a concept of women and men as conscious beings, and consciousness as consciousness intent upon the world" (354).

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