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5 Year Plan

            The creation of this Strategic Five Year Plan began with asking the question: How can we at Little Lilly's dramatically build a strong clientele? and What does the approaching new century/millennium mean in terms of challenge to our mission? In our attempt to answer these questions, so vital to the life of the organization, a series of board/staff retreats were held over the past year. Our directors remained on the front line of the process, yet our staff was encouraged to give as much impute as possible. .
             On each occasion, we talked frankly about problems and difficulties confronting us as well as strengths, and debated the possibilities of change. Our purpose is to enhance Little Lilly's role as a leading provider of children's books and remain on the cutting edge of e-books in our community and online. The Strategic Plan represents the continuity of quality assurance and customer satisfaction .
             It will be noted, the Strategic Plan outlines general goals and objectives in areas such as: the market, competitor analysis, location of business, management, personnel, financial data, communications marketing, technology, customer service and expansion. For example, in the area of customer service, Little Lilly's thrives to seek, meet and go beyond customer expectations; ensure store is in keeping with the Little Lilly's mission and serves the education and cultural needs of the local communities. .
             The Little Lilly's Plan envisions better service to our clientele. Consistent with our mission, the implementation of this Strategic Plan will strengthen all sectors of our business. .
             Having had the opportunity to critique this plan and put fourth impute, our personnel now has the ability to develop local strategic plans and priorities within the parameters of which our community provides.
             The vision, energy and leadership the directors continue to give Little Lilly's has played a vital part in bringing us to this point.

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