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             , Alcohol and Sport; New York; Braun-Brumfield, 1997.
             , Are you Driving your Children to Drink? Coping with Teenage Alcohol and Drug Abuse. ; New York; Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1975.
             3.Englebardt, Stanley L., Kids and Alcohol the Deadliest Drug. ; New York; Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company, 1975.
             4.Filstead, William J., Alcohol and Alcohol Problems: New Thinking and New Directions. ; Cambridge, Mass.; Ballinger Publishing Company, 1976.
             5.Goodwin, Donald., Is Alcoholism Hereditary?; New York ; Oxford University Press, 1982.
             Brett Potter.
             Education Paper.
             April 30, 1999.
             Alcohol use by teenagers.
             Alcohol use by High School and middle school or Junior high school kids is on the rise. Many different reasons are blamed for this reason, parents, peer pressure, or just because the students want to escape their every day problems. The numbers for High school Seniors was at a all time low but started to increase in 1992. The number of High School students who admitted to consuming five or more drinks, which is considered binge drinking, went from a all time high in 1980 of 41% to a low of 28% in 1992. This figure is still totally unacceptable, the problem is that the numbers are on a constant rise.
             One quote that really hit me when doing my research was this one by L. Lewin, " Substances which act on the brain mock all obstacles which oppose their extension. Their attraction grows slowly, silently, but surely.".
             The reason that this quote hit me is that is really the truth, many teenagers start to drink because they want to get rid of their problems. The only thing that they don't realize is that the more that they turn to a bottle or a can for comfort the more they are becoming dependent on that feeling relief that they get when they are intoxicated.
             I myself have witnessed one of my friend's going down the road to alcoholism. He first started to drink when he was a sophomore in high school and he hasn't stopped since.

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