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Who Needs Sleep Anyway

             Beep! Beep! Beep! Is it already that time? Oh man, just nine more minutes. With extremely burning eyes, I turn off the alarm and slowly attempt to get up out of bed. It seems as if my bed is sucking me back in. Just thinking of the cold weather and the many challenges I have to face today; I do not want to get up.
             These are just a few of the many thoughts that run wildly through the heads of college students each morning. Why do college students have such a hard time getting up? Is it because the night before they stayed up till two-thirty A.M. swimming in the pool and watching there favorite movies? Maybe it is the result of an extremely demanding job. And last but not least, maybe these college students are actually doing their homework. College students despise the thought of waking up in the morning because they may have stayed up to late, have a demanding job, or have a hefty load of homework.
             The thought of getting up out of bed is simply dreadful for the average colleage student. The majority of college students wish for the perfect "saved by the bell" college life. Students coming to college for the first time hope for all play and no work. After about a week or so, these students wake up and face reality. But, they still have the desire for somewhat of a social life. So, instead of doing homework or studying for tomorrow's biology exam, these students decide to go to Applebee's! After all, there is plenty of time. It's only one-thirty A.M. They are just having a fun time right? "Fun," yeah right, that is what they will be thinking when they receive a D+ on that biology exam. Each college student feels that he or she must have fun while attending college! Well, isn't that true? Yes, of course, but it takes awhile to learn how to juggle both. .
             In order for college students to survive and live adequately, many need jobs. Most college students will take whatever they can get their hands on.

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