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Dependce vs. Independence

            To depend fully on another person may be considered a weakness with several benefits or a strength with several downfalls. Students are faced with many decisions throughout their educational journeys, some which are difficult to make. Being a full time college student who relies solely on their own finances would be difficult and impossible for some. However, on the other end of the spectrum are those who rely fully on their parents, who don't seem to mind. True, sometimes it depends on the family's financial situation and the decision is made for the student. The differences and similarities of an independent person versus a dependent person are huge.
             Students who can depend fully on their parents have more free time due to not having a job. Therefore, dependent students are more likely to have better grades since they have more time to study. Students that are independent and carry jobs are learning important work and socialization skills. These skills are often sought in professional job interviews and serve people well in everyday life. Also, students who have jobs understand that in order to get money, most have to work for it. Therefore, they may be more careful as to how they spend their money. For example, a person who works hard for money will most likely save it for something important, like snow tires or school books. The dependent person will most likely spend their money on whatever they want, not considering the long term effects.
             Independent people are more grateful and accepting than dependent people. Dependent people often expect more than they are given, and often times are not grateful because they are so used to receiving what it is they demand. Independent people understand that it is usually a necessity to work hard for something, and dependent people often just expect everything they want to fall into place. They expect that to happen because that is what happened throughout their life, starting in college when they were fully dependent upon their parents.

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