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             My presentation is about drugs and the social effects.
             To help you to understand my whole presentation, I wrote down a list of difficult words.
             No one wants to be a drug addict or an alcoholic, but this doesn't stop people from getting addictet. .
             First I want to tell you what is a drug?.
             A drug is any substance, solid , liquid or gas that changes the way, the brain or body works and you can get adiccted.
             Now I show you the different kinds of drugs.
             There are three main types of drugs, classified (geordnet) by their effects on the central nervous system.
             There are.
             and hallucinogenes.
             Depressants: This drug slows down the way the brain works and causes sleep/ opposite of stimulant.
             Depressant drugs slow down (verlangsamen), or depress the central nervous system. They don't make you feel depressed. These drugs include:.
             +opiates and opioids, including marijunana, hashish and hash oil.
             +tranquillisers and hypnotics ( Beruhigungsmittel) used to calm down the organism.
             +barbiturates ( sleepind drugs).
             +some solvents( LÖsemittel) and inhalants (inhalationsmittel) , including petrol, paint thinners and lighter fluids.
             Stimulants: That means the drug speeds up the way the brain works and weakes people up.
             People all over the world use stimulants every day.
             Coffe, tea and cola dinks contain caffeine which is a mild stimulant.
             The nicotine in tabacco is also a stimulant. Many smoker use it to relax.
             Other stimulant drugs such as ephedrine, are used in medecines for bronchitis, hay fever and asthma.
             Stronger stimulant drugs include amphetamines speed and cocaine, which are illegal.
             Slimming tablets are also strong stimulants.
             Stimulants increase heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. Other physical effects include reduced appetite, dilated pupils, talkaktiveness, agitation, and sleep disturbance.
             Higher does of stimulants can over stimulate the user, causing anxiety, panic, agression and paranoia.

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