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             ) I have criticized President Nixon's, "War on Drugs" both morally and on expediential grounds. Do we have the right to stop an individual from becoming an addict? Force, direct or indirect, should not be allowed to prevent a person's choice to take drugs or alcohol. The ethical flaw in the war on drugs is similar to alcohol prohibition.
             2.) In the drug game, neither the willing buyer or the willing seller has any desire to report a crime. This fact makes informers necessary. Informers and the huge amounts of cash involved leads to corruption, violation of civil rights, forcible entry, and forfeiture of property without due process.
             3.) Today, eight times as many people are incarcerated than were in 1970. The number one source for the outrageous prison growth is the war on drugs.
             4.) Sher Hosonko calls attention to the fact that we jail 3,109 black men for every 100,000.
             5.) The inner cities have an advantage for selling drugs. Therefore, more dealers live in the inner cities. Bullets often fly when arguments between rival drug dealers occur. Ultimately, bullets fly because the drug trade is illegal.
             6.) When drugs are illegal it causes prices to soar and quality to decline. Users must maintain a relationship with a criminal to supply their drug habit. An addict who wants treatment has to admit to being a criminal before receiving treatment.
             7.) According to the Federal Health and Human Services Department, two-thirds of all terminally ill cancer patients did not receive adequate pain medication. This serious medical injustice is directly linked to pressures placed on physicians who prescribe drugs.
             8.) Our war on drugs has undermined the stability of foreign governments. It has also led to thousands of deaths as well as economic loss in these same countries.
             9.) Can a policy be moral if it leads to corruption, jail, racism, destroys inner cities, wreaks havoc on misguided individuals and brings death and poverty on foreign countries?.

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