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Gun Control

             2 million elementary-aged, latch key children have access to guns in their homes.
             (Jouranl of the American Medical Association).
             Gun accidents are the fifth-leading cause of accidental death for children aged 14 and under. .
             (National Safety Council).
             Guns kept in the home for protection are 43 times more likely to kill a family member or friend, than to kill and intruder. .
             (New England Journal of Medicine).
             The presence of a gun in the home triples the risk of a homicide in the home.
             (New England Journal of Medicine).
             Gun violence affects America in various ways, from loss of life to health care costs, to loss of freedom. We want Americans to understand the dangers that handguns pose to the health of the American family. The Educational Fund works to educate the public and train activists through our newsletter Stop Gun Violence News, at our Annual Citizens Conference to Stop Gun Violence, and through media advocacy in our Public Policy programs.
             Did You Know is a regularly modified section devoted to providing facts and statistics regarding firearms and gun violence. This informative resource will be updated periodically to keep viewers up-to-date on current and new information regarding the issue of gun violence.
             " More than 1.2 million elementary-aged, latch-key children have access to guns in their homes.1.
             " Guns are present in 40% to 50% of American homes.2.
             " 52% of all gun owners do not properly store firearms.3.
             " 43% of parents who own guns do not lock away guns in a place where children cannot access them.4.
             " Suicide risks increase fivefold when guns are in the home; if a gun is unlocked he risk increases sixfold; and if the gun is loaded the risk increases ninefold.5.
             " The odds that potentially suicidal adolescents will kill themselves double when a gun is kept in the home.6.
             " In 1997, the United Nations defined a small arm as one that can be fixed, maintained and transported by one person whereas a light weapon is used by a small crew.

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