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My Spiritual Life

             Since I was two years old, my mother always brought me in the church to attend service every Sunday. At first I really don't know what happen inside the church why they are crying and shouting, singing and dancing all I know is that I enjoy playing with other children and eating my favorite ice cream and that is Tivoli. I didn't know what happens next but as I grow old I see myself that I"m getting serious of knowing HIM - the LORD. Until I hear his voice that is calling me I don't have doubt the Lord really call me. After hearing his voice I obey Him at age of ten years old GOD use me in His ministry as a back-up singer, while He is using me I feel and see how GOD put the burden and ignite the fire of worship in me. I cant explain but one thing I know, its all about His awesome power and presence that I was experience After that when I was fifteen years old I started to stand as a worship leader it is a big task for me and I keep on asking GOD if I really deserve to stand as a worship leader and GOD answer my question in the first time that I stand as a worship leader HE confirm it to me through others. I really thank the LORD for His wonderful that He gave to me. I"m so blessed for His goodness and faithfulness He showed to me and how He showed to my family . Honestly, I"m not worth for everything I possess right now, it's only by his grace why I"m experiencing those blessings. Sometimes there come a time a big problem shake my faith and trust in the LORD, until I saw myself that I"m too far from Him, I don't know how to start again.

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