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The First Civilizations

            Chapter 1-The First Civilizations: the Peoples of Western Asia and Egypt.
             The first humans; Australopithecines .
             A. The earliest humanlike creatures (hominids).
             1. Lived in Africa.
             2. First to make stone tools.
             3. Oldest known tool: knife blade (2.6 million years old).
             B. Second stage (1.5 million yrs ago) Homo Erectus "upright human being" .
             1. First hominid to move from Africa.
             2. Made use of larger and varied tools .
             C. Third crucial stage (250,000 yrs ago) Homo Sapiens "wise human being".
             1. By 100,000 B.C.E 2 groups of Homo Sapiens emerged.
             2. 1 type was the Neanderthal.
             3. First remains found in Germany, then in Europe, then the Middle East (dated 100,000-30,000 B.C.E).
             4. First to bury their own dead.
             5. Europe Neanderthals used clothing from animal skins.
             D. Modern Humans; Homo Sapiens Sapiens "wise, wise human being".
             1. Appeared 200,000 and 150,000 years ago in Africa.
             2. Began to spread outside Africa 100,000 yrs ago.
             3. 30,000 B.C.E Homo Sapiens Sapiens replaced Neanderthals.
             II. The Hunter-Gatherers of the Old Stone Age.
             A. Paleolithic Age Old Stone (2,500,000-10,000 B.C.E).
             1. 20-30 people per group.
             2. Nomadic to follow animal migrations.
             3. Women gathered nuts, plants; Men hunted for fish and game.
             4. Use of fire began 500,000 yrs ago.
             5. Cave paintings found w/large animals (suggested for religious or decorative purposes.
             III. The Agricultural Revolution 10,000-4000 B.C.E.
             A. Neolithic Revolution "new stone".
             1. Hunting and gathering-systematic agriculture.
             2. Greater control of environment.
             3. Able to live in communities.
             B. Mesolithic Period 10,000-7000 B.C.E.
             1. Domestication of animals.
             2. Use of plants and seeds for nourishment.
             3. Systematic Agriculture developed between 8000-5000 B.C.E for diff. Areas of the world.
             4. Supported settlement and large populations.
             C. Modernization.
             1. Complex religious practice.
             2. Built shrines; temples; megaliths.
             3. Use of complex tools w/copper and tin created bronze.
             4. Bronze age 3000-1200 B.C.E.
             IV. The Emergence of Civilization.

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