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            Abdomen is the rib-free part of the trunk below the diaphram. Which is broken down into nine regions. In this essay I will break down the nine regions and what is involed in the regions.
             The first region in the abdomen is the Hypochondriac region. In the Hypocondriac region the following organs are placed, the liver also the gallbladder. The liver is, largest internal organ of the human body. Which is part of the digestive system, performs more than 500 different functions, all of which are essential to life. Its essential functions include helping the body to digest fats, storing reserves of nutrients, filtering poisons and wastes from the blood, synthesizing a variety of proteins, and regulating the levels of many chemicals found in the bloodstream. Also the Gallbladder, which is muscular organ that serves as a reservoir for bile present in most vertebrates. It is a pear-shaped membranous sac on the undersurface of the right lobe of the liver just below the lower ribs.
             The second region in the abdomen is the Epigastric region. In the Epigastric region is where your stomache is located at. In the stomach the Esophagus, is found. The Esohagus has no digestive or absorptive functions. It is mainily a passage airway to bring nutrients to the stomach. The stomach is a storage for food continues to a site for mecanical and chemicla breakdown of food.

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