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Effects Of Alcohol In The Liver

            Effects of Excessive Alcohol in the Liver.
             The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It takes care of poisons from blood, makes immune agents to control infection, and also cleans blood. When an excessive amount of alcohol is consumed the liver cannot properly metabolize causing liver disease. When this happens the liver can develop fatty liver, alcohol hepatitis, or cirrhosis.
             Fatty liver is when there is an accumulation of fat in the cells of the liver (hepatocytes). Stopping drinking can reverse the early stages of fatty liver. If the alcohol does not stop they will develop Steatohepatitis, which is inflamed fatty liver. Steatohepatitis can scar the liver.
             Alcoholic Hepatitis is when the liver becomes inflamed. Some symptoms of it are jaundice and abnormal blood clotting. This disease is curable by not drinking.
             Cirrhosis is recognized by the nodules in the liver. When you have cirrhosis you normal liver cells get destroyed and replaced by scar tissue. This prohibits the blood flow to other organs in the body. The nodules can vary in size depending on the type of cirrhosis you have. You can have cirrhosis and alcohol hepatitis at the same time. Once you have cirrhosis the disease cannot be reversed.

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